Curriculum Vitae
Last updated: 21/9/2020
Languages: Dutch (first language), English, French
- Master Artificial Intelligence: human ambience at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, finished in 2017.
- Bachelor Lifestyle Informatics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, graduated with Honours in 2015.
Current work:
Since 2017 I am working as a PhD-student at the Vrije Universiteit; more on my work project you can find here. Furthermore, since 2015 I am working (on a voluntary basis) as a rolemodel for VHTO, where I try to get more girls into coding. Working as a rolemodel includes helping at events or giving guest lectures.
Previous work experience:
- 2015-2019 volunteer at Coderdojo Metis.
- 2014-2017 ICT in de Wolken worked as student assistant.
- 2014-2017 freelancer in the field of tech education: One of the courses I gave as a freelancer was an HTML/CSS course for primary school children.
- 2013-2015 Vrije Unviersiteit Amsterdam: worked as a student assistant for the course Introduction to Python.
- 2013-2014 Boralis BV: worked as a data analyst and editor for reviews about health apps.
Technical skills: Python, C#, Unity, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Django
LinkedIn: click here to visit my Linkedin profile